Our consortium involves network nodes from four specialist groups, which we name materials (M), characterization and bioinspiration (C), simulation (S) and robotics (R), according to the research methods primarily used by the corresponding nodes. The term node denotes home institution of a particular DC.

The majority of project WPs are highly interdisciplinary covering the value chain from basic science (OTH, JSI, CAU, UL, UNIVIE), technological development and implementation (SDU, SSSA), to industrial assessment, exploitation, and commercial aspect (PRE, WEG). Uniting them together makes the MAESTRI network truly balanced with respect to the fundamental and engineering science on the one side as well as experimental and theoretical/simulations approaches on the other side.

In total, MAESTRI has 7 academic and 2 industrial beneficiary partners and 3 associated partners for training 9 doctoral candidates.