
  • To develop and implement a predictive coarse-grained simulation model for magnetic elastomers with anisometric magnetic particles that allows to investigate the effect of magneto-elastic coupling on magneto-mechanical response of bulk MAE and MAE with free surface.

Expected Results:

  • Obtaining the dependence of the magnetic and mechanical properties on the concentration-, shape-, type of material and initial distribution of magnetic particles.
  • The strategy for bottom-up design of the MAE with on-demand response.

Principal Supervisor: 

Prof. Sofia Kantorovich, University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Austria.

Host Institution: 

University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Austria, the Ph.D. degree will be awarded by University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Austria.

Planned Secondments (total: 9 months):

  • Months 13-14 at OTH for calibration and fine-tuning of the implementation of the magneto-elastic coupling. Supervisor: Prof. Mikhail Chamonine, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg, Germany.
  • Months 17-18 at JSI for fine-tuning the model and establishing a feedback loop between simulation and synthesis. Supervisor: Prof. Darja Lisjak, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia.
  • Months 22-23 at UMBC in order to develop and implement the protocol for bridging coarse-grained simulations and finite elements. Supervisor: Prof. Paris R. von Lockette, University of Maryland (UMBC), USA.
  • Months 30-32 at PRE in order to get an exposure to industrial implementation of the MAEs simulated. Supervisor: Dr. Francesco Clemente, Prensilia SRL (PRE), Italy.