
  • To develop adaptive control methods for magnetoactive soft materials.

Expected Results:

  • Adaptive control methods which can adaptively switch magnetic field on/off to obtain different physical properties of the materials for robust, energy-efficient locomotion and object manipulation of robots.

Principal Supervisor: 

Prof. Poramate Manoonpong, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark.


Assoc. Prof. Xiaofeng Xiong, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark.

Host Institution: 

University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark, the Ph.D. degree will be awarded by University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark.

Planned Secondments (total: 9 months):

  • Months 9-11 at OTH to gain complementary expertise on materials to benefit for the control design and experiments with the materials. Supervisor: Prof. Mikhail Chamonine, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg, Germany.
  • Months 16-18 at UL to gain complementary expertise on materials characterization and to work on optical feedback concepts. Supervisor: Prof. Irena Drevenšek Olenik, University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia.
  • Month 28-30 at WEG to apply these algorithms in the industrial environment. Supervisor: Dr. Stephan Ulrich, Wegard GmbH (WEG), Germany.